

Boy, you’re gonna carry that weight,
carry that weight a long time.
And in the end, the love you take
is equal to the love you make…
Paul McCartney

You have to want it, bad!

Fusion is the sort of place you can work ten years, and merely scratch the surface of what’s possible. And, in thirty, years, if you never stop proving yourself, you might have achieved something — greatness.

Perhaps you’re a speaker, and wish to make a career of teaching people the art of effective communication. It’s an apprenticeship, and it begins with emptying your cup…
First, you take the course.
Second, you learn the methods.
Then, you teach as an associate.
Then, you begin taking on clients, and teaching independently. Soon, you’re selling and managing relationships…
When that gets old, you learn an additional seminar…
Then, you become a leader.
And so it goes.

There’s a career here. We are for people who wish to be responsible for their own development, who wish to travel, learn, grow, and lead. The scope of our work is outlined in the Products and Services pages of this site.

To qualify, you must be a confident and humble individualist, able to face down every challenge and handle adverse circumstances with ease. You’ll need to be articulate and smart on paper, on screen(s) and in person. You’ll be driven by the highest ethics and committed to both service and responsibility. Where does it end? Well, there’s satisfaction, mastery, and wealth — but only at the end of the story.  At the front end, there’s a lot of work, study, performance and self doubt. Can you carry that weight?

If you’re that person, write us an engagement proposal and tell us why.