
Broken Compass

“Look Within. Within is the fountain of good, and it will bubble up if thou wilt ever dig!”

– Marcus Aurelius

 The Indications

GM, McKinsey, Volkswagen. All part of the international economic firmament; and each one undergoing painful ethics audits and self-evaluation.

GM for installing faulty ignition switches implicated in more than sixteen deaths and untold complaints… Volkswagen for installing software that switched off pollution control devices after testing… McKinsey whose Executives and Partners traded on privileged client information…

Were these the only indicia, we might consider these to be serious cases, but still limited in scope. But it’s everywhere, in and out of government, business, academia, while not limited to any geographical area…

And, given that it’s so common, it’s not really news, is it then?

The Problem
Ethics seems to be losing its place as a fundamental component of our civilization. Our understanding of what might be required to inhabit the top tier of the Honor Protocols seems to be eroding as we watch. At the bottom tier, we still have a plethora of Moral considerations which vary from tribe to tribe. The middle tier, Laws, seem to multiply daily… But Ethical values appear to be waning, worn away by the distractions of raucous contemporary “culture” and the endless noise of political polarization. Is it so difficult to see that small profits per vehicle are less important than individual human lives? That the probity of the consultant’s reputation outweighs their individual partner wealth or prestige? That the cleaner car is ultimately more valuable to the worker, the company, the nation and the planet; than the bogus test rating?

The truth of Ethics and Culture is that Uniform Standards of Expectation are at the core of all successful group undertakings. A Kilo is an actual Kilo. A handshake is as good as a fifty two page contract. GM means quality. McKinsey is synonymous with probity. Volkswagen is “The People’s Car” (and the People’s Company…)

But we’re BIG now. Bigger than actual value, bigger than honest commitments. Bigger than all that…

The Solution
It begins (as it always does) with the individual, reaching higher. Throughout history, people have left their homes and livelihoods in polluted cultures and moved on to find (or found) new, better and loftier ways of life — new worlds. In reality however, that new, better, loftier stuff is not to be found in the new place, but in the minds, hearts and spirits of the pioneers. They were pioneers of a new ethics, a new system of values.

That same new, loftier standard of expectation lives on in you, here, now.

The New Beginning
If you’re wearied by the endless news of yet more creative forms of betrayal and self-dealing; you might reasonably consider leaving and looking for something better…

But then, you might realize that people are everywhere, flawed. But everywhere, they have the same potential for greatness. Do you not have everything you need to build a new culture from the inside out, right here, now? Are there children within reach, who can be taught to think lofty thoughts? Are there colleagues waiting to be inspired and led? Is there a community waiting for a deeper sense of sharing, caring and commitment to what’s better, and best for all concerned — right here?

And can’t it all begin — within you?




1. Individually
Find a personal flaw, and the time. Then fix it. Maybe it’s your weight. Maybe you need to add to your vocabulary. Perhaps you need to study another culture and go visit. Maybe you need to expand your own sense of true charity. So look into what you can do for another person — after understanding them and perhaps cherishing their humanity. It starts here, remember?

2. At Home
Have you delegated too much responsibility for the community, the belief system, the education, to others? Maybe it’s time to look a little more deeply at what’s being taught at school, at church, the city hall, the community management organization? You may find that a little more focus on what comprises the foundation of your community is a good thing. Oh, and can you actually explain the basis of your value system in less than ten minutes to your family?

3. At Work
Sooner or later, it’s going to happen. You’ll be aware or involved with an inflection point: a moment when you’ll be able to steer things in a higher direction — save some lives, lose a little money, polish a reputation. Take the chance, weigh in! Demand the best — and perhaps take your lumps. Your integrity is worth it.

It’s tempting in these days of failing culture to feel betrayed and blameful — to look around and see failure everywhere. Don’t be fooled. Everything starts with you — if you will only dig. Look within and put that compass back to work!

GM: article in The Wall Street Journal
McKinsey: article in The New York Times
Volkswagen: article in The Economist


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