
What’s Called For?


What’s Called For?


“What have you given us, Mr. Franklin?”
“A Republic madam, if you can keep it!”

A “demagogue” (from the Greek: Demos “the People” + Agogos “leading”) or “Rabble-Rouser” is a political leader in a democracy who rashly appeals to the base emotions (fear, prejudice, ignorance) of the lower socioeconomic classes, thereby to gain power and promote themselves. Demagogues usually oppose deliberation, advocating immediate, violent action. They accuse moderate and thoughtful opponents of weakness. Demagogues have appeared in democracies since the time of Athens, and exploit a fundamental weakness in democratic societies (even Constitutional Republics…). Nothing stops the people from giving ultimate power to someone who appeals to the lowest common denominator of the largest segment of the population.


Not everyone is called upon to speak. Few get a re-up. Even fewer get multiples. Fewer still address a national meeting in a “Big Room.” And that small group yields even fewer who make a livelihood out of addressing significant groups of people over time about things that matter.

So what’s called for in such a person?

We suggest Excellence, Leadership and Ethics.

The basics are mastery of structure and storytelling, complete control of the delivery skills and a distinctive Signature. But all of this must serve Clarity. The listener must Get it, Recall it, Repeat it and Like it. That’s a tall order, and requires skills of great magnitude.

Telling the Truth, even when it hurts — when things are bad. The willingness to tell people when they’re out of line. To set expectations, to demand better. The willingness to demonstrate skill, intention, class, dignity, restraint, thoughtfulness and, when required, force.

At this level, it’s not enough to merely make yourself understood or to help the audience follow you from point to point in order to sell something. Now, it’s about selling a Way of Thinking, Seeing, Living — A Larger Perspective. This is Major League. Real Power. Which demands complete, undiluted honesty and allegiance to the greater good.

People of this stature regrettably, tend to come with commensurate (immense) egos — tending to conflate their outsize abilities with their personal worthiness. But it’s not the same thing. One can be an able speaker, a charismatic force — yet without an ethical compass; the exercise reverts to self-promotion — and in more dire cases, demagoguery. We are often given the sad opportunity to bear witness as a great being does battle in the public arena with his/her ego… Which will win? The inflated self-image, or the instinct toward personal humility and the greater good?

So, to assist in checking any lingering egomaniacal tendencies before they threaten to overthrow the world order, here is a List of Outcomes to which it may be worthwhile to aspire.

1. Lead us To Something. What’s the Goal?
2. Don’t Rise to the Bait. (Your audience is out here in the auditorium…)
3. Don’t Tell us how bad things are. Tell us how to be better.
4. Omit the Bluster. Be Humane.
5. Head of State is also Head of Military. Serve first, then seek command.
6. Know that Communication works best as a cycle, a dialogue; not a speech.

Democracy is a special form of government. But only if you can keep it! What’s called for from an able being in this decade? Leadership!




1. For You
Read your history. Your race, your nation, your sex/gender, your region. The more you know, the less likely you are to be swayed by an unethical ploy. Consider your values! What’s important? What do you stand for? Is your government reflecting your perspective? Is it time for you to become more deeply involved?

2. For the Family
With so much at stake, education and teaching cannot be left to institutions. Teach your children well or they will, out of ignorance, re-create their parents’ hell! (With apologies to CSN&Y…)

3. For Work/School/Church/Community
If you don’t like the way the institution is progressing, influence it! But make sure that your three skills are all in place: Excellence, Leadership and Ethics.

Democracy is a wonderful thing, if you can keep it! To leverage your own urge toward leadership, recognize the required skills and get busy forging your own tools of influence! You may be called to greatness sooner than you think!





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