
Why Are You Here…

Seems like we’ve all been to that meeting where much was discussed and very little got accomplished. We may be able to offer some encouragement.

Most of us get in trouble in meetings and presentations because we are all trained to view communication as a “one-way” thing (where we say what’s on our mind); or as a “two-way” thing (where everybody says what’s on their mind). You figure it out. 

We all accomplish exactly what we set out to do in the meeting: to express our point of view.  Unfortunately, that does not absolve us from the responsibility of getting something accomplished for ourselves, our company and our customers.

What if we start from a different place?  How about considering a meeting as a place to begin, direct and conclude projects – not as a place to simply express ourselves?  It seems so simple and so obvious.  Painless in fact!  Yet, starting with that assumption, we have to get right to the point that there must be an action contemplated by the folks in the meeting, and someone actively arguing in favor of that action and outcome.  That’s you, the presenter!  (If not you, who?  If not now, when?)

At Fusion, we think meetings are the lifeblood of business, and they deserve our best efforts to move forward quickly and efficiently.  So when we teach people to present, or facilitate meetings, the first thing we ask is “Why are you calling a meeting?  Why are you in the room?  What must be decided in order to make your time (and that of the other participants) worthwhile?”

It changes your perspective doesn’t it?   It’s not so much about you, or how you feel, or about what you might say, or how you might deliver.  It’s really putting the emphasis right where it belongs.  Answer the question, “What are we all doing here, and how can I move us toward a specific outcome?”!  Your job (as the most aware person in the room) is to help the group stay focused on getting something “real” accomplished, not just on having another meeting.

Fusion is a little different.  Sure, we teach people to be remarkably effective presenters, but not in the usual way.  Most people start with the delivery and try to teach you to look good, or sound powerful.  We can help with those things, but if we start with purpose, outcome and intention, the other stuff is easy.

Once you’re clear about what you’re doing in the room, everything else is easy!

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